Snyder's Church NB


 Game Nights are returning. This will be a monthly event through Fall and Winter. Great time to introduce a neighbor or friend to our Church Family.
Sat. Sept. 21st - Taco's for dinner beginning at 4:00 pm. Taco meat provided but please check with Diana Payne to know what else is needed. Followed by Sequence and children activities.
Sat. Oct. 26th - Fall theme
Sat. Nov. ___ - Thanksgiving Theme (Date to be determined)
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Ladies Aide Holiday Bazaar - Sat. Nov. 9th starting at 8:00 am
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 Christmas Program & Luncheon - Dec. 22nd during 9:00 am Worship
"Choose Light!" is a short program involving children, youth, adults and congregation. Following worship, we will enjoy a covered dish luncheon and visit from Santa!