Dear Snyder's Church Family and Friends,
We continue as a people of the Pentecost. This Sunday we shall read St. Mark 13: 1 - 8 and our theme is "Tell Us When This Will Be!" We shall sing "Sweet Sweet Spirit"; "Living For Jesus"; "Jesus Is All The World To Me" and other selected Praise Music that the choir will help us along with their special Anthem. Jeff will continue his Children's Moment that is also for Adults.
Over the years, many people have speculated about the end of the world and the end of time. Will there be a great war? A great earthquake? Will there be a sudden rapture where the faithful suddenly vanish as Hal Lindsay once predicted in "The Late Great Planet Earth?" Will it be as Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye describe in their best selling "Left Behind Series?" Would the end come in 2011 as American broadcaster Harold Camping predicted? We know now that he was wrong. Would the end come in 2012 as some interpreted the Mayan calendar? Again, that prediction failed. Will the end come later this year, or perhaps in 22 billion years as some scientists predict?
Even Jesus' first disciples wanted to know. One day as they were leaving the temple, one of them remarked on the great stones of the temple buildings. The original temple built by King Solomon had been destroyed centuries ago. A second temple had been re-built. But for Herod that wasn't enough, so he began expanding and rebuilding the temple before Jesus was born and the construction continued even during Jesus' adult ministry. It was a massive project but Jesus replied "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left here upon another all will be thrown down." That was enough to arouse the curiosity of Peter, James, John and Andrew and they waited to ask Jesus privately "When will this be?" they asked. "What will be the sign?"
As Paul Harvey would say "now for the rest of the story!" To hear the rest of the story we invite you to come to Church this Sunday morning where you will be most graciously welcomed! May God truly bless you today and may you truly be a blessing to others. Know that God loves you and so do we. God bless. Pastor Bill |