Dear Snyder's Church Family and Friends,
This will be the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany. We shall read St. Luke 4: 21 - 40 and our theme is "All Spoke Well Of Him!" We shall sing "Sweet Sweet Spirit"; "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"; "Take My Life" along with other music selected for the service and our choir will help us as well as providing a special anthem for us. Jeff will lead the Children's Moment and at the end of our Service we will share Holy Communion together.
Many of us have heard the story about Abraham Lincoln. He was defeated seven times for elective office before winning the Presidency of the United States. He certainly defied the odds. And he did not give up.
Then there was Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh earned all of $85 from his paintings during his lifetime. One hundred years after his death, just one painting alone, Dr. Bachet, sold for the incredible sum of $82.5 million.
Then there was this itinerant, middle eastern preacher who lived some 2,000 years ago where his ideas were definitely rejected by the people of his hometown, as well as the religious leaders of his time and country. Yet He continued His ministry as He understood it to be Divine Defiance!
The point is clear. If Abraham Lincoln, Vincent Van Gogh, or Jesus of Nazareth had let rejection rule their lives, and let it keep them from doing and saying what they felt sure to be right our world would be incredibly impoverished today!
We at Snyder's Church welcome you to become part of the fullness of God in all that the Lord has planned for you. May you have a blessed day and may you also be a blessing to others. We look forward to greeting you in church this Sunday Morning. God bless. Pastor Bill |